Award for Distinguished Service

The Award of Distinguished Service recognizes significant contributions by individuals to the Canadian museum sector throughout the course of their careers. This year we are fortunate to honour four outstanding individuals.

Dean Beauche

Often commended for bringing the Saskatchewan perspective to national conversations, Dean Bauche has been a valuable contributor to museum policy, notably, in the 1990’s, when he participated in a CMA working group to develop human resource strategy for the Canadian museums sector. Even when working on a national scale, his peers cite his commitment to small towns and small museums.

His position as the Curator of the Allen Sapp Gallery was just one factor in earning several awards recognizing outstanding service in the museums sector, including the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012), and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Museums Association of Saskatchewan (2019).

In retirement, Mr. Bauche remains avidly committed to the betterment of Canadian museums as a volunteer consultant.

Thank you for the honour of being selected for the CMA Award of Distinguished Service. My career in the cultural sector continues to be a very rich and fulfilling journey. It has offered me many insights as to who we are as Canadians. Opportunities to see ourselves and our history, both bad and good. We (Members of the CMA) above all people are the keepers of the story, we have a crucial role in this country at this time, to seek the truth, tell the stories, and offer forums for reconciliation. What a wonderful thing it is that we can make a difference.”

— Dean Bauche

Kirstin Clausen

Kirsten Clausen has earned this award after 30 years of extensive involvement in the cultural industries of BC, working hard to improve the province’s museums and their associations, contributing significantly through her work with the British Columbia Museums Association, Barkerville Heritage Trust and currently as Executive Director of the Heritage BC.

Withing the BC museums community, a tremendous amount of respect is unanimously expressed towards Kirsten for her reinvigoration of the once struggling Britannia Mine Museum.

Following her retirement in 2020, she leaves behind a legacy of excellence in an institution that will maintain her diligent and positive work ethic.

“I will cherish this recognition and am proud to accept this special honour from the Canadian Museums Association. I am deeply touched. My career has been inspiration to me. It has been thought-provoking as well, as over the years the goals, missions and expectations have changed. I have benefited from associating with supportive colleagues. Collectively and individually, we set goals to achieve the best possible presentation of history and heritage. I will continue to focus my efforts so that those who are engaging with us can do so in their own diverse and authentic ways.”

— Kirstin Clausen

Guy Tremblay

Guy Tremblay began his career with Parks Canada in 1983. After working in the private sector to develop historic sites in the Gaspé and Lac-Saint-Jean region, he joined the Musée régional de la Côte-Nord (Sept-Îles) team in 1990 as a curator, later becoming director general.

In early 2000, he was invited oversee financial consolidation at the Musée amérindien de Mashteuiatsh and then set up project management for the Espace Virtuel Artists’ Centre in Chicoutimi.

In January 2002, he became Manager of Museum Services for the Government of New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, and stayed in this position until his retirement in February 2021. Association Heritage New Brunswick presented him with the Founders’ Award in 2021.

“I’m deeply grateful to receive the 2022 Award for Distinguished Service from the Canadian Museums Association. Thank you to the members of the jury and to the people who nominated me for this award.

It’s a true joy to be recognized by peers. Looking back, this award would not have been possible without the amazing support of the museum community, artists and colleagues who care about heritage and culture, these dear friends I’ve had the honour of working with throughout my 38 years in this field.

Lastly, special thanks to my family for being with me throughout my journey and helping to support my accomplishments.”

— Guy Tremblay
