Preparing a Job Poster



Information on your organization

Information on the position

A candidate profile

Details on how to apply

A Job Equity Statement

Accessibility reimbursement



The two main goals of a Job Poster are to attract well-suited applicants and, also, to eliminate applications from those who aren’t eligible or who might not benefit from the experience. You should provide information that will motivate readers while letting potential applicants know whether or not they would be a good fit.

The Job Poster might be an applicant’s introduction to your organization so don’t assume familiarity with its mission, accomplishments, or offerings.

Be sure to include:

Information on your organization

  • Its location (neighbourhood, city, province) and more precise detail such as accessibility by public transportation. Would employees need a car?)
  • What are your primary goals? how large is your organization (in terms of people who work there, number of visitors, size and scope of your collections)? How long have you existed? What are some things your organization takes pride in? What have you accomplished?
  • Include details that will make applicants want to join your team.

Information on the position

  • Provide a detailed description of the position (include an overview of the goals and the specific tasks that will be involved).
  • Include specifics about number of hours/week; hours/day; rate of pay; start date; total length of position, and opportunities to continue with the organization. Are hours flexible? Will there be work outside of normal business hours or on weekends?

A candidate profile

  • What special skills or character traits would be best suited to the position. Let applicants know what you are looking for (ie. any technical skills required; any role playing/performance; interactions with the public).
  • Be very specific about the YCW eligibility criteria (criteria vary between the Heritage Organizations and the Building Careers in Heritage programs so be clear and accurate about the expectations to avoid disappointing applicants). Please note that eligibility criteria can vary from year to year so please ensure you are aware of any changes

Details on how to apply

  • Is there an application deadline?
  • Include contact information (email address, phone number, physical address and name of contact person)
  • Encourage creation of an applicant YCW profile on the YCW website
  • Link to organization’s website

A Job Equity Statement

From the Government of Canada’s Job Equity Act (1995), the purpose of this statement is to indicate your organization’s commitment “to achieve equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability and, in the fulfilment of that goal, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities by giving effect to the principle that employment equity means more than treating persons in the same way but also requires special measures and the accommodation of differences”.

Including a Job Equity Statement signals your organization’s commitment to actively encouraging applications from members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity and to “identify[…] and eliminate[…] employment barriers against persons in designated groups”. It can be as brief as “X is an equal-opportunity employer” or as detailed as you would like it to be.

Accessibility reimbursement:

With this in mind, Young Canada Works can reimburse some costs related to any specific requirements for improving employment accessibility to any youth facing barriers to employment (e.g., youth living with disabilities, single parent youth, youth living in a rural or remote area, recent immigrant youth, etc.,) Reasonable and eligible costs may be reimbursed partially or totally through your Delivery Organization on a case-by-case basis.

Finally: you will submit a Job Poster as part of your YCW funding application. If your funding application is successful, the Job Poster will be posted on the YCW website once you have accepted the funding offer and budget. You are strongly encouraged to share the Job Poster elsewhere: other job boards, your organization’s website, social media and to any other relevant organizations.

HO Eligibility Criteria: Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations (students) —

BCH Eligibility Criteria: Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage (graduates) —