Muse Magazine Spring/Summer 2024

Muse Magazine’s Spring/Summer 2024 issue takes as its theme the remarkable achievements and excellent work of museum professionals across the country recognized at the 2023 CMA Awards. This excellence in museums was also recapitulated in highlights from the CMA's 2024 National Conference, themed The Future is Collaboration. A special feature sheds a spotlight on a collaboration for HIV/AIDS education by the Textile Museum of Canada, Latinos Positivos, and the Canadian Museums Association, showcasing the importance of museums to their communities.


Editorial and production team

R. Archibald, A. Quintero, M. Serageldin, D. Tremblay.


T. Calogheros, C. Choinière, S. Danyluk.


Acolad, C. Bérubé.

Muse cover Spring/Summer issue 2024

Cover: Kandace’s Mask by Dayna Danger. Photo — Charles Cousins.

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MUSE, is published by the Canadian Museums Association (CMA). Members of the CMA receive MUSE as a benefit of membership. MUSE is indexed in the Canadian Periodical Index and is available in microform from Micromedia Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 40065247. ISSN: 0820-0165. MUSE is a registered trademark of the Canadian Museums Association and is not to be used or reproduced without prior written consent. Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed in MUSE reflect the opinions of the author(s) and in no way represent the opinions or policies of MUSE’s editorial staff or of the CMA. MUSE reserves the right to edit all submissions for content, length or style. To obtain information about subscription rates for non-members, back issues and cancellation policy, please contact .


This publication has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.


About the CMA

The Canadian Museum Association (CMA) is the voice for Canada’s vibrant museum community, from small, volunteer-driven organizations to cherished national institutions, and for the millions of Canadians whose lives are enriched by museums.

We advocate for public policies and support, we build skills across the profession, and we establish and inspire connections to strengthen and sustain museums.

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